
Everyday Quiet
LifePlugs™ Standard
Every Night Sleep
LifePlugs™ Sleep
Everyday Work
LifePlugs™ Dental
Everyday Riders
LifePligs™ Riders

Take the edge off of everyday life!

* Patent Pending Design

every day earplugs

LifePlugs™ Standard
Our vented everyday earplugs.
Comfortable for yoga, exercising,
running, music concerts, or studying.

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every night earplugs

LifePlugs™ Sleep
Our ventless every night earplug.
The super soft silicone is perfect for sleeping.

more >>>

In the clinic

LifePlugs™ Dental
Block the damaging sounds of drills/ HVEs. Easily listen to and talk with patients without removing your earplugs.

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On the Road

LifePlugs™ Riders
Protect yourself from the damaging sounds of engine and wind noise, while still being hearing your surroundings.

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In the WATER

LifePlugs™ Surfer
Keep the water and wind out of your ears, and still be able to hear those important whistles and voices around you.

more >>>

LifePlugs - Standard

Take the edge off of every day life with LifePlugs™ Standard. Our new custom-fit extended-wear earplugs that tone down the auditory disturbances of life. These LifePlugs™ are vented & pressure free. Perfect for yoga, exercise, mowing the lawn, vacuuming the house … you name it! These are our most versatile earplugs.

The soft silicone material and unique earplug design make LifePlugs™ Standard comfortable to wear all day, doing almost anything.

Choose between our standard glossy finish or silky smooth SlikFit™ matte-finish [pictured]. Both finishes are antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and easy to clean.

Custom Earmolds

• NRR 17 dB, Mean 35 dB
• Passguard™ Silicone Material
• Perfect for loud venues, sporting events, motor sports
• Soft, comfortable, perfect for all day use
• The ultimate earplug for any situation
• Thousands of color combinations
• Hypoallergenic & Antibacterial
• External vent for pressure-free fit

LifePlugs - Sleep

LifePlugs™ Sleep are earplugs specifically designed for comfortable and quite night sleep.

Block out unwanted sounds. Think street noises, snoring … even a squeaky fan.

Our soft silicone material and unique earplug design make LifePlugs™ Sleep comfortable to wear all night long. 

Choose between our standard glossy finish [pictured] or silky smooth SlikFit™ matte-finish . Both finishes are antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and easy to clean.

Custom Earmolds

• NRR 25 dB, Mean 39 dB
• Super Soft M2000 Silicone
• Perfect for sleeping
• Thousands of color combinations
• Hypoallergenic & Antibacterial • Ventless

LifePlugs - Dental

LifePlugs™ Dental  are earplugs specifically designed for dental staff and dental patients. 

LifePlugs™ Dental provides protection from the damaging sounds of dental drills and HVEs thanks to its interior design. Microsonic‘s proprietary silicone compound and external vent ensure that you hear conversations without muffling, making it easy to carry on conversations without removing your earplugs. 

Our soft silicone material and unique earplug design make LifePlugs™ Dental comfortable to wear all day. 

Choose between our standard glossy finish or silky smooth SlikFit™ matte-finish [pictured]. Both are antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and easy to clean.

Custom Earmolds

• NRR 17 dB, Mean 35 dB
• Enables clear communication with patients
• Certified ANSI S.3.19-1974
• Passguard™ Silicone Material
• Soft, comfortable, perfect for all day use
• Thousands of color combinations
• Hypoallergenic & Antibacterial
• External vent for pressure-free fit

LifePlugs - Riders

Many bikers wear helmets, boots, and gloves to protect themselves when riding, but hearing protection is often overlooked. It‘s possible to damage your hearing due to wind noise, so earplugs should be a priority every time you ride. 

LifePlugs™ not only help to reduce noise fatigue while riding, they also provide clarity to sounds around you by dampening certain frequencies more than others. So, wear them to ride. Then wear them anywhere it’s loud … think restaurant, bar, music events.

Custom Earmolds

• NRR 20 dB
• Passguard™ Silicone Material
• Blocks Wind & Engine Noise • Ventless
• Comfortable to Wear Under A Helmet
• Thousands of color combinations
• Hypoallergenic & Antibacterial
• Easy to clean
• Vented

LifePlugs - Surfers

Keep the water and wind out of your ears, and still be able to hear those important whistles and voices around you. 

Earplugs are absolutely necessary for the avid surfer, especially when surfing in cold weather when blocking the wind and the cold water is important. Remember that repeated exposure to the cold wind and water can lead to Exostosis. This is a common medical condition often referred to as “surfer’s ear.”

LifePlugs™ Surfer earplugs meet three important requirements for a surfer: Effectiveness, In-Ear Comfort, and Hearing. Oh, and they float!

• NRR 19 dB
• Passguard™ Silicone Material
• Blocks Wind & Water
• Floating earplugs
• Add a lanyard
• Comfortable to Wear All Day
• Thousands of color combinations
• Hypoallergenic & Antibacterial
• Easy to clean • Ventless

Color Your World

with microsonic
Microsonic LifePlugs - Blue and Gold with Glitter

colors & styles

Color Combinations

Microsonic LifePlugs

color options

Color combinations

Ordering Instructions

easy as 1-2-3

1. Visit your local audiologist to get your ear impressions made and to order a pair of Microsonic Custom Earbud Tips.

2. Choose your favorite colors here.

3. Mail your earbuds and ear impressions to: Microsonic Inc. | 2960 Duss Ave. | Ambridge, PA 15003

If you do not have an audiologist, we can recommend one that’s near you. Call us at 800-523-7672 or check our Audiologist Network.

* Download our TIP Sheet on how to order and for our ear impression requirements.

ear impressions?

Ear impressions are the blueprints from which any custom-fit in-ear product is produced. It’s how we make custom earplugs that perfectly fit your ears. 

So, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with an audiologist and have impressions made of your ears.

The cost for a set of ear impressions varies from $50 to $150, depending on where you live.

If you do not have an audiologist, we can recommend one near you. Call us at 800-523-7672 or check our Audiologist Network.

Order your LifePlugs today!

To place an order, simply fill out the form below and we’ll contact you.
Or give us a call us at 1-800-523-7672 and a customer care representative will guide you through the ordering process.

To place an order, simply fill out the form below and we’ll contact you.

Or give us a call us at 1-800-523-7672 and a customer care representative will guide you through the ordering process.

Custom Earmolds by Microsonic.
Custom Earmolds